
Posts Tagged ‘Devils Brigade’

FSSF Association certificate

William Sam Magee served in the First Special Service Force during WW2, commonly called the Devil’s Brigade. Served and decorated at San Nicoli, Italy with the Sixth Company for gallantry on June 1, 1944.

For detailed information see:


A  list of fourteen veterans from Oshawa that served in this group

Louis J Black
A.H. Best
B.E. Brown
Graham W. CLapp
W Fraser
W (Bill) Harding
Jack Logeman
Jim Lakus
W. Sam Magee
Colen Parkes
R G Tanner
J.T. Tullock
A.A. Waller

Transcript of  the presentation by Pres. Ronald Reagan address to the Canadian Parliament on March 1981 to honour the First Special Service Force.

“In the Second World War there was something called the First special Service Force-a unique international undertaking at the time.  This force  was composed of Canadians and Americans distributed equally throughout its ranks, carring the flags of both nations.  They served unders a joint command, were taught a hybrid close-order drill, and trained together as paratroopers, demolition experts, ski troops and, then as an amphibious unit

The First Special Service Force became famous for its hih morale, its rugged abilities, and tough tighting in situations where such reputations were hard-earned.  Alerted to their availability, General Eisenhower requested them for special reconnaissance and raiding operations during the winter advance up the Italian peninsula.  They were involded int he Anzio Beachhead campaign in Italy and were at the spearhead of the fores that captured Rome.

The First Special Service Force  made no distinctions when it went into battle-its men had the common cause of freedom at their side and the common denominator of courage in their hearts. They were neither Canadian nor American.  They were in General Eisenhower’s term, liberators.”

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